Wednesday, 2 December 2020, 11:30-12:30 h Central European Time.
WWEA will organise a dedicated session that will take the audience through the latest wind power market developments in Pakistan. Speakers will highlight the opportunities as the new renewable energy policy has been notified which sets a target to deploy 8-9 GW of wind energy by 2030. Moreover, factors that have contributed to a slower market growth in the past and ways to overcome them will also be discussed both from investment and development perspectives.
- Moderator: Stefan Gsänger, Secretary General, WWEA
- Welcome by Hon. Peter Rae AO, President WWEA
- Main Speaker (Guest of Honour): H.E. Dr. Mohammad Faisal, Ambassador Islamic Republic of Pakistan to Germany
- Keynote (Guest of Honour): Tauseef H. Farooqi, Chairman, NEPRA
- Zeeshan Ashfaq, MD, SOWITEC Pakistan
- Waqas A. Qureshi, CEO, Transatlantic Energy Limited