#WWEAwebinar Supporter:
ProfEC Ventus is an internationally recognized, accredited Testing and Calibration Laboratory, highly specialized for wind energy advice, services and expert opinions accepted by banks
Small Wind Markets around the World
15 March, 13:00-15:00 Central European Time
Recording on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jhe5WeeyKrc
Small and distributed wind turbines can be found in almost all countries, as they represent an important option to generate power from a renewable energy source, the wind.
This webinar presents several of the key markets for small wind power: North America, several European markets, China, India, Japan and Argentina. Speakers from those countries present first-hand information about the regulatory frameworks, market sizes, main actors and the main application areas
Welcome and Introduction on small wind markets
Stefan Gsänger, WWEA
Guiyong Yu, Chinese Wind Energy Association
Masaya Kubo, Japan Small Wind Turbines Association
US and Canada
Mike Bergey, Bergey WindPower, Co-chair of WWEA Small Wind
Frits Ogg, Co-chair of WWEA Small Wind
Alistair Munro, Ryse Energy
Dr. Jami Hossain, WWEA India
Hector Pagani, AAEE
Small Wind in the Global Renewable Energy Landscape
Jaidev Dhavle, Gayathri Nair, IRENA
What a Government Can Do to Support Small and Medium Wind
Ignacio Cruz, CIEMAT, Spain