#WWEAwebinar supporter
ProfEC Ventus is an internationally recognized, accredited Testing and Calibration Laboratory, highly specialized for wind energy advice, services and expert opinions accepted by banks
#WWEAwebinar in collaboration with the Mills Archive Trust
15 December 2022, 13:00 – 15:30 CET
Modern wind power generation has now a history of more than 100 years, starting at the end of the 19th century in parallel in several European countries and in North America. While the development stopped almost entirely during and after the second world war, the oil crisis and the multiple environmental crises lead to a renaissance of wind power around 40 years ago.
Many of the organisations and persons who have been active in building what is today a global industry are still in existence, although several of the early pioneers of this wind power renaissance passed away in the recent years. It is, however, of fundamental importance for the future success and the future strategies of this sector to understand the history of modern wind power development.
Speakers will highlight the first steps, organisations and actors which started wind power development and deployment in their countries and will refer to the main networks where these achievements have been kept.
Speakers include:
- Hon. Peter Rae AO, WWEA, Australia
- Guiyong Yu, Chinese Wind Energy Association
- Dr. Jami Hossain, WWEA, India
- Prof. Dr. Galal Osman, Egypt Wind Energy Association
- Galyna Shmidt, Ukrainian Wind Energy Association
- Jane Kruse, Folkecenter Denmark
- Arne Jäger, Deutsches Windkraftmuseum
- Dr. Everaldo Feitosa, Eolica Brazil
- Paul Gipe, USA
Special intervention:
- Liz Bertram, The Mills Archive Trust, UK
- Kolya Abramsky, Special Advisor
Registration for the event upon request to secretariat@wwindea.org